Birdwatch World Is Growing – Sept 6th 2021

Welcome to Birdwatch World news! This is the first post in the news category which is where you will find the occasional post to let you know what is happening in Birdwatch World. Any significant events or happenings within the world of birdwatching or bird photography will also appear here.

The Site Is Growing

a green bar chart with a curved arrow above it

A lot of work is going on behind the scenes here at Birdwatch World to get some great articles up. There’s a ton of research being done and a lot of typing?! I have to say that it’s exciting to dive so deep into the birdwatching universe and learn about so many things.

There are articles on the way about binoculars, birdwatching at home, bird feeders, bird behavior, and so many other things…

Lockdown Makes It Tricky

a graphic of a green house with a white padlock shape in it

Unfortunately, due to the lockdown here in New South Wales, Australia, there is not a great deal of bird watching (beyond the backyard anyway) happening. Aside from the occasional walk on the beach (done for “exercise” but with a camera, of course!) I have not been out to watch or photograph birds for longer than half an hour for quite a while.

I long for a few hours of sitting on the headland in the picture below with my binoculars and my camera, watching and photographing anything that flies past. Soon it will be possible.

a beach with a rocky headland in the background
Looking South on Sandy Beach in NSW, Australia – image by Barry Callister Photography.

More News Coming Soon

Keep your eyes on the News category here at Birdwatch World. There will always be something happening that’s worth reading about.

I hope that wherever you are you have the time and the freedom to birdwatch as much as you can. Stay safe, stay healthy and when you can, get out there and add a few more lifers to your list.

Barry Callister

Barry is a bird photographer and bird watcher with over 7 years of experience. He runs his own YouTube channel about photography and promotes his nature photography on his personal website

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